Tweed Heads South (NSW), for children and adults of all ages.
Age groups: all ages – kids (from 4 years), teens, adults and seniors
Locations: Brisbane Bayside – Alexandra Hills (QLD), & Tweed Heads South (NSW).
What is Simply Music?
Simply Music is a revolutionary piano teaching method based on “learn by doing” for fun & great results for all age groups.
Piano method that works for everyone
“Finally, there is a piano methodology available that works for everybody – not just a chosen few,” says Joanne Davies, Director of East Coast Music.
The Simply Music method
The Simply Music method has beginners – children, teens adults and seniors – playing great-sounding pop, blues, classical, and accompaniment pieces from their very first lessons!”

Joanne says "Simply Music is a revolutionary Australian-developed piano and keyboard program that has beginning students — children, teens, adults and seniors — playing great-sounding pop, blues, classical, and accompaniment pieces immediately — from their very first lessons! This unique approach produces unprecedented results, and is not only becoming the new standard in entry-level music education, but is redefining music learning."
Learn by doing
Simply Music employs an entirely new and unique “learn-by-doing” approach that can be easily understood by students of all ages, and focuses on the sheer fun of playing — and producing immediate results.
Traditional piano lessons require students to learn how to read music as a means of learning how to play. This “read first, play later” approach is slow and frustrating, and far too many students never acquire the ability to play. Many lose their desire to learn altogether. In reality, expecting students to read music before they have learned to play is like expecting toddlers to read before they have learned to talk!
After building a repertoire of 30 to 50 pieces covering a broad range of musical styles, students go on to learn how to read music. Their ability to play so well provides a powerful foundation for learning the more formal aspects of music education. Unlike traditional learning, this breakthrough program is tactile, experiential, and multi-sensory, with students being physically, visually, and aurally fully absorbed.
Free information session - click here
"Simply Music" Piano lessons Brisbane Bayside & Tweed Heads South
- Joanne Davies is a fully-trained and certified Simply Music Teacher
- Joanne has many years of experience teaching music to children and adults
- Simply Music method is sheer fun
- You will get immediate results with Simply Music
For a free information session with East Coast Music
Apply online or phone Joanne on : Mobile: 0411-487-535
East Coast Music
Click here to book a free information session now